3.5g Flower “Green” Edition: This jar contains 3.5g of Hemp Flower that has been processed for its Limonene terpene profile specifically blended for its Stress, Gastric Reflux & Heartburn Relief properties. Limonene improves absorption of other terpenes and chemicals by way of the skin, mucous membranes, and digestive tract. Limonene’s anti-tumor effects inhibiting the growth of skin and mammary tumors boast its benefits against lung cancer and brain cancer by causing tumor cell death. It’s responsible for the sweet taste and sharp, fruity aroma in this edition of Ameyalli.
Ameyalli Green: 3.5g Flower
Therapeutic CBD Smokables: Stress, Gastric Reflux & Heartburn Relief
Our curators select only the finest Hemp flowers full of natural cannabinoids and a specified terpene to achieve the desired attributes of this edition with emphasis on the terpene Limonene.
Weight: 3.5 Grams - <.3% THC
Ingredients: 100% HEMP – Contains Limonene
100% NATURAL INGREDIENTS: No GMO – No Preservatives – No Additives
Content: 3.5 gram per Container.
Country of Origin: USA – WassaMassaw, SC